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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Life Level Intermediate

This just feels wrong
I think I'm living a bad cover song
The lyrics are half a beat too late
The fourth verse seems to defy fate

Maybe it's a lame tribute band
The lead singers hair is long
The lead guitarist is windmilling his right hand
But in the end I find I'm just wrong

This isn't a lame version cover song
It's an original piece of shit
I'm half drunk in a local bar
And some teenager emo band is killing it

By killing it
I don't mean they're doing well
It literally sounds like they are murdering music onstage
I'd call the cops but I signed a release saying I'd never tell

The bouncer at the door didn't even warn me
Even as I paid an overpriced cover charge
To get into this sorry life
That is delivering so small after promising so large

I'm slipping away to the loo
I think I saw a backdoor out of here
It's a strange scary world out there
But I'm full of alcohol courage and have no fear

Hand pushing on the rusty emergency exit door
Now confronted with a piss smelling alleyway
A dumpster
A passed out drunk
An aggressive pimp
And a half hidden mugger
Laid out in sequential challenges
Like level bosses in a video game

All between me and the world beyond
I input the unlimited lives cheat code
Gotten for milk money at school
Lights dim down and it's game on

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