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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

War of The West Corner Restroom

The cockroaches and roly polys
Battled from grout line to grout line
Heedless of sunrise or sunset
A miniature battle scene suspended in time

In the abandoned Admiral station men's room
Every square inch valued in lives
Unable to live together
Unable leave and go it alone
That darkened dank bathroom
Might as well be an oasis in the desert
A safe harbor in a storm

At opposite ends of the room
Were the nests of the insects in question

In the red corner lay Armadillidium Vulgare
Like a low and slow armored tank
Legs almost hidden from view
Able to roll up into an impenetrable ball
At the slightest sign of a danger or two

In the blue corner lurks Periplaneta Americana
Evolved to live most anywhere
Long legs and antennae wiggling in the air
Determined to take over the world
Starting with this single room

Sgt Bronson rolled up upon his armored parts
Uncoiling in one motion
He saluted oh so smart
With a top set of legs

"Sir! The Roaches are trying to flank us around the south stool!"
He reported with zero enthusiasm

General Pillbug rolled a very tiny cigarette
Lit it and contemplated for a moment
"Bring the artillery around that side
Start a barrage to keep them pinned down
I'll round up the Specialists to take them out"

Sgt Bronson saluted again
And with a "Yes Sir!"
Was rolling on his way once again

General Pillbug sighed and peered at his map

This damned room
He thought to himself
Has kept us here for so many generations

Eyes darting up at the glow of the distant single window

If only there were a way to get up and out
To stop the slaughter

But he knew it wouldn't happen
He'd had that idea shot down too many times to count
If only he had proof of life outside this room

The General summoned the Specialists
Who rolled in
Their armor sparking on the ceramic tile expanse

The strike was routine
They'd all done similar things hundreds of times
And with a simultaneous salute they were on their way
To deal death to the Roaches once again

The General stopped the last Specialist before he rolled away
And beckoned him over

With a conspiratorial air
General Pillbug pointed up in the vague direction of the window to the world

"I don't suppose you know how to climb....?"

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