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Copyright: Fred Robel, and Fritz365 2010-2017. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog's author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Fred Robel and Fritz365 with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Monday, October 31, 2011

#304 Ship In A Bottle

A plastic segmented ship
Sailing seas of unnatural blue
Contained within walls of glass
Forever doomed to never pass

Tacking to and fro
Whither the wind go
Tapping the barrier with the prow
All wondering where to go now

The confines are rather small
Cylindrical and long
Consistent in drop line fall
Artificial and very wrong

The captain loads his cannon
Firing in tiny fury
But nary a crack or mark
Is made for any to see

The craft is becalmed today
No wind or waves to sway
The crew is fallen down drunk
What else to do in such a funk?

The captain gazes out
From his spot at the wheel
He plays with a dagger wistfully
Perhaps considering opening a vein with the steel

I look on with though
Sadness for them is all I feel
So with a beating heart
I go for the steal

I gently carry the bottle
Down to the harbor
And climb down
Under the wharf

Holding it level with the water
Surrounded by seagull's cry and peal
I break off the end of the bottle
The ship slipping into the real

The crew sobered up quick
The captain shouting orders
Barely to be heard
Beyond three foot borders

Watching intently
I sat cross legged on the shore
As the first wind caught their cloth
The craft daring the waves and froth

Even as the ship proceeded away further
In the shimmering midday sun
It seemed to grow larger
As she was trimmed and starting to run

Before I knew it
It seemed to be life sized
Running for the horizon
And freedom long prized

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