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Copyright: Fred Robel, and Fritz365 2010-2017. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog's author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Fred Robel and Fritz365 with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

#296 Mechanical Dreams - Mechanical Longings

I'm on a flat plain
Holding a tall stick
Sharp on the top
My metal digits grip it loosely
My thoughts cold and logical
But wandering nonetheless

I look out across my unit
One hundred static generating organisms
Genetically manipulated creatures
Once known as sheep
Now generating electricity
To support my kind

We of science
We of logic

One of my 'sheep' starts to move away
I move closer to it
And prod it with my stick
Never quite touching it
Just manipulating it back to the unit
Using the differential electrical charge of my stick
To guide it

This is a peaceful place
Time to be still
Conserve energy
And use my processing cycles
For the good of my race

Wirelessly transmitting
And receiving data
Solving equations
Proposing questions
Providing answers

Truth is logic

I erect an enclosure
The unit secured
I power down
They will not need me until tomorrow


My skin tingles
Air moving the hair on my arms
It's a stunning feeling
Feeling human

Looking around
I'm in front of a building
Large and white
With a cross of wood upon the roof

The sun is going down
The air is cold
Candles are in the windows
Sounds of singing comes from inside

I want to go in
And I do

Seeing all the others
Looking much like me
So very

They are all looking towards the front
Singing while holding small books
I find a place among them
And take in the sights and sounds

There is a young human
Clothed in a long brown cloak
Holding a tall stick
The stick has a hook on top

Around him are other young ones
They are wearing white fluffy clothing
Crawling on their knees
They are making animal noises

I watch fascinated
They are pretending to be sheep
I know what those are
I listen to the singing

I am so happy

I stay
I listen to all that is said
When all the others leave
I stay
And I read the books I find

I want to stay
This is a fulfilling place
This must be a fulfilling existence
I think these thoughts
As my eyes grow heavy

I slide a little lower in my chair
Soft, and almost hidden
In the corner of the vast building
Behind the festive decorations

My eyes are heavy
Closing finally


Metal covers flapping gently
In an imitation
Of biological parts long extinct

It's eyes glow softly
Almost sleepily
Machinations purring softly in it's body

Looking over at it's partner
Grey metal
Red markings
Freshly applied
Very satisfying to behold

"I was dreaming again"
It announces happily
"It was wonderful"

It's partner turns to look
Mechanical eyes lovely to behold
"What were you dreaming of?"

Eyes turning purple
Remembering the dream
"God......and electric sheep"


  1. I'm assuming you have, and would be suprised if you haven't, suspecting that this is how you came up with those one, but... Have you ever read

    Also have you seen the Electric Sheep project?

  2. Yes, unfortunately, the only reason the sheep were in there, was to have that final line gag. I'm so ashamed. I was thinking of the robots wanting to know where they came from though, and following that line of logic to a creator of all things. And for some reason that reminded me of Bladerunner, which reminded me of the book..... and so on. I'm a slave to my pop culture influences. Incidentally, I've never read the book.

  3. I'm nearly the opposite, read the book a couple of times, and only saw Bladerunner once, I think, many years ago, if at all. ;)
