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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Book of Monsanto 3:11 - A Tale of the Wrench

And on the fifth day
Monsanto did create the Skydrol
To resist the temperatures of the fire
And inhibit the corrosion internal
Of all aviation hydraulic systems

At that point
Monsanto should have saw that it was good
And called it a day
But having a great rage towards maintenance technicians
Monsanto did cause the Skydrol to be cruel

"From this day forth
Wherever there be aircraft
Let the maintenance technician suffer
When placed upon the skin
The Skydrol shall produce a burning sensation
And itchy redness
When the Skydrol makes it's way to the eyes
Let it feel much like acid"

Thus spake Monsanto
And thus it was so

To further their betrayal and cruelty
Monsanto did cause the Skydrol
To eat most things made of rubber or plastic
Thus shall shoe soles and tires upon wheels
Be turned into an intractable goo

Monsanto did then cause rumors to spread
About how to treat the Skydrol
When it is on the skin or the eyes

"Perhaps bathing in 2% milk will help"
Monsanto said with a smile

Thus did Monsanto laugh
For it well knew that oil of the castor
Was the only hope
For even a half solution to exposure

History does indicate that Monsanto did feel shame
After over twenty five years of the making of the Skydrol
Solutia was born to help hide Monsanto's shame
Taking the SkyKleen with them also
Solutia did remove the yoke of the Skydrol
From the weight of Monsanto's burden
Freeing them to further degrade our world
In new and genetically repugnant ways

This is the Word of Monsanto
Thanks be to Monsanto

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