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Monday, February 14, 2011

#45 Has Bitter issues with Valentine's Day

Happy St. Valentine's Day
It's a love
It's a massacre
It's a sham
It's here to stay!

The box of chocolates
I bought you
Was full of angry bees
They stung your private parts
And swelled up your knees.

That sparkling diamond you craved
Was bought with a thousand souls
Digging their own graves
In the African diamond holes

That card that made you smile?
Created out of thin air by Hallmark
To shame lovers everywhere
To buy buy buy, or never live it down.

Oh, and that shiny gold necklace?
It's shiny, and amuses the insipid
You crave it because you are shallow
And you equate objects to love

You are broken
And wouldn't know love
If it shat on you
Let alone sat in front of you

With tears in it's eyes
Hoping and praying
That you approved of the gifts it brought you
So you'd love it back

I burn your valentine
I never loved you

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