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Monday, August 20, 2012

Pussy Riot

Where were you
For the Pussy Riots of 2012?

Were you sitting shiva in the congregation
Reading your bible
Singing your hymns
To the great god above
And the great leader
Who are one and the same?

Was the shock on your face
A mask over the rage in your loins
At the bare necessity of the performance?

Did your pussy want to join the riot?
Did it want to jump free of your pants
Run up to that altar and prance
Along with the vocal performance
Sing along and take that chance
Don a mask
With cutouts in just the right places
Flex that labia
Make all the right faces?

Did your cock want to join the riot?
Did it want to protrude and march
To the front of the room
Put on a ski hat
And piss out lyrics
A constant punk rock chant
Jutting to the heavens
Pointing to the cathedral ceiling
Like a massive veined middle finger
Pulsing in Pussy Riot feeling

More likely
You only heard about the riot
Cock twitching once at the mention
Pussy maybe moistening slightly
Mostly giggling in a Western sensible way
At newscasters and columnists
Who were forced to say a "dirty" word

Detached as we are from the Pussy Riot
We'll never know what it was really about

Not really
Admit it

Mr Gorbachev tore down that wall
I even heard Reagan tell him to do it
So now obedient
Mother Russia is a hub of democratic capitalism

Long live oppression
It will follow it's long progression
As it always has in those sorts of places

And in just the same way
A revolution is only a heartbeat away
Just like a Pussy Riot
Barely contained and concealed
Within someone''s pants

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