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Copyright: Fred Robel, and Fritz365 2010-2017. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog's author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Fred Robel and Fritz365 with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Monday, December 30, 2013

6th Day of Christmas

The sixth day of Christmas
Snuck in like a sloth
Which means it took forever to arrive
But looked exceedingly cute doing so

I'd love to say that it brought me geese a'plenty
Six of them
All laying eggs

But that didn't happen
What happened was more amazing:

Woke up in the morning
With a frown on my face
Washing, eating, dressing
Like it was a human race

Stepped outside my door
And what did I see
But a terrible Holiday Turtle
Staring down at me

He was tall as ten tall buildings
And built like a truck
He bid me climb up on his back
So I tried but it wasn't enough

I got two tall wood ladders
And screwed them into one
Defied me some gravity
And laughed as my pants came undone

It was a Monday
The Sixth Day
Of Christmas!
And way too tall turtle
Was my turtle shelled bus

Just then the turtle
Really put it into gear
Tearing up the yard real bad
And forgetting to steer

Swerving into traffic
Going super turtle fast
Which left him going pretty slow
And getting constantly passed

I don't think that I am getting to work today.....

It was a Monday
The Sixth Day
Of Christmas!
I'm riding a ten story tall turtle
And can't deny it's a gas

My shelled ride hung a right just then
And walked onto the lake
Breathed turtle fire to melt that ice
So that he could paddle on fast

Long story short

That turtle got me to work on time
Lumbered off honking his horn
He'd be back by at quarter to nine
To take me home
Where I'm not alone
With a too tall turtle pal
And a box of fine wine

It was a Monday
It was the Sixth Day
Of Christmas!

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