Slumber sweet giant
Dream your outsized dreams
Crossing vast continents with great strides
And in the morning you will rise
When you do
Will everything be as you remember?
Your steps as big
The trees quite so small
The view from your elevated eyes
As far and so clear
Perhaps you will awaken more condensed
With everything tall all around you
Lost in the grass at the base of a tree
Riding upon bugs for fun
Hanging on to a flea for a thrill
Every molehill a mountain
Every mountain but an impossible myth
More likely
A normal size you will be
Average in every way
But with a dream still fresh in your head
Large steps
Tiny adventures
Distant horizons
An awe of your surroundings
Holding sway over you the rest of the day
Dream your outsized dreams
Crossing vast continents with great strides
And in the morning you will rise
When you do
Will everything be as you remember?
Your steps as big
The trees quite so small
The view from your elevated eyes
As far and so clear
Perhaps you will awaken more condensed
With everything tall all around you
Lost in the grass at the base of a tree
Riding upon bugs for fun
Hanging on to a flea for a thrill
Every molehill a mountain
Every mountain but an impossible myth
More likely
A normal size you will be
Average in every way
But with a dream still fresh in your head
Large steps
Tiny adventures
Distant horizons
An awe of your surroundings
Holding sway over you the rest of the day
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